Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Hairy Holidays

three years in a row I have hated the holiday season, and grinched my way through November 2oSomethingth until January 2. but this year, holly jolly glee is flinging from my heels. I'm pulled in by silly cartoons wtih red nosed deer and crave all the holiday beverages, Nog, Frog, and Ciders.
however last night I managed to scratch my face much like a newborn with nearly no motor control of limbs, I have a red slice, left wing, mustache scratch now. tis the season.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Whose afraid of the big bad wolf

I've bellowed. "stay bacK" with an emphatic ACK on the back. Ive swung left, swung right "POW! right in the kisser" today there is nothing but shadowy sunshine to melt down the frigid reality that is my ice covered cicle and make it nervously sweat under its pretentious assumption. i woke up, swelled when I saw the red pillow. I bellowed at it, "come hEre!" with an emphatic Ear in the here. Lifeless pillow
Empathic bellow
Friday Afternoon
Huff puff.